Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Spider-Man (2002)

One of my earliest memories is of watching the Spider-Man animated TV series on Saturday mornings in the small, furnished basement of our old house.  (I was later surprised to learn that Ralph Bakshi was involved in the production of the show).

Movie poster for "Spider-Man" (2002)


Spider-Man was a ubiquitous character, even then.  His enigmatic appearances on "The Electric Company" were intriguing, and there was no shortage of merchandising (I had a Spider-Man action figure, Spider-Man coloring books, and even a Spider-Man cereal bowl).

As a Marvel fan, I collected several of the Spider-Man titles growing up, although soon gravitated towards the Uncanny X-Men, Conan, and later Thor, prior to broadening my range to include DC and many of the independent publishers.

Back in those days, comic fans had very little television or cinematic options to choose from.  Of course, there was "The Incredible Hulk" TV show, and I distinctly remember when "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends" hit the Saturday morning lineup.

I saw "Spider-Man" with my wife, on a summer's night in Toronto, not long after we got married.  She absolutely loved it, and even purchased the movie on DVD, so that we could watch it, again and again.

While the first X-Men movie provided a glimpse of things to come, it was actually "Spider-Man" that broke new ground, establishing a mainstream appreciation for big budget movies based on comic book characters.

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